Emotional Eating

I have a problem with emotional eating.

There I said it.  I admitted it.  I’ve been in a funk for the past few days and at first I wasn’t understanding why.  In the last 11 years I’ve never forgotten February 14th.  Not for Valentines day, but that is the day I lost my grandmother in 2001.  My grandma and I were really close and I get emotional every year when I think about what i wish she was able to see me accomplish and share with me.

Yesterday, I got a call that my daughter was finally accepted into an early head start program that I have been trying to get her into  and I had so  much to do that I completely forgot about yesterday.  So I’ve been  on a 3 day binge eating horribly.  I feel guilty and i know I need to get it back together

I can make a ton of excuses about this and not do anything about it….but I’m not going to.  Excuses are excuses and they do not excuse the fact that I have not stuck to the commitment i was making to myself.  Something will always happen in life to make me upset or disappointed or sad….that is not an excuse to overeat and eat like a pig.  So I will be getting back together….thanks to everyone that has shown encouragement  I appreciate it.
